Episode 10: Creating Accessibility
Interview Guest: Pamela Dellal | Intellectual Resources Curator, Emmanuel Music ; Director, The Bach Institute
Aria: Mein Verlangen ist, den Heiland zu umfangen, BWV 161

Is the music of Bach for everyone?
BACH 52 is a web series that explores the question: “Is the music of Bach for everyone?”
Comprised of 52 episodes, each episode of BACH 52 features a film and recording of one tenor aria (or duet) from Johann Sebastian Bach’s church cantatas that is paired with interviews with scholars, musicians, and audience-members that probes this question.
The choice of 52 arias will allow for a year-long exploration of Bach’s music and examination of the relevance of his music to today’s increasingly secular and diverse society.
The music of Bach has formed an important cornerstone of my repertoire. Over the years, I’ve had many opportunities to perform this repertoire all over the world, working as a soloist with Bach-experts such as Helmuth Rilling, Masaaki Suzuki, Jane Glover, and John Nelson, with many ensembles including the Oregon Bach Festival, Weimar Bach-Akademie, Bach Collegium Japan, Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Strasbourg Philharmonic, Bach Collegium Stuttgart, New York Philharmonic, Cleveland Orchestra, and the National Symphony Orchestra. I've sung Bach's music in a wide variety of venues, ranging from the very churches in Germany where he worked as choirmaster and organist, to secular stages such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center, and Tokyo City Concert Hall. All these experiences have led to a desire to have an immersive recording experience with Bach’s music. This desire combined with the reckonings posed by the present moment are the inspirations behind the BACH 52 project.
In the current cultural climate in which so much about classical music is being questioned for its validity, I find that I am often asking myself: is classical music really for everybody? In a basic sense, I have always believed this to be true. On the other hand, as the classical music community examines the racism, misogyny, and homophobia baked into much of this music and its institutions, it’s hard not to recognize the ways that the traditions can exclude. Yet, the truth is, as a gay man of color who has spent much of his life on the outside looking in, classical music is the thing that kept me alive through my fraught adolescence and through which I have found community. As usual, no thing is just one thing, and art can hold many truths at once.
Join me as we examine the question of Bach’s universality, exploring varying opinions on this premise, inquiring if and how it can be possible to ensure inclusivity around Bach’s music, as well as highlighting the ways in which Bach’s music remains relevant to today’s cultural and societal landscape, or fails to do so.
Episode 9: Communal Music Making
Interview Guest: Kate Sheeran | Executive Director, Kaufman Music Center; Dean, Eastman School of Music
Aria: Ich halte meinen Jesum feste from Ich lasse dich nicht, BWV 157
Episode 8: Holding Space
Interview Guest: Reverend Pamela Werntz | Rector, Emmanuel Church Boston
Aria: Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe from Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe, BWV 156
Episode 7: Is it Elitist?
Interview Guest: Reginald Mobley | Grammy-nominated Countertenor & Programming Consultant (Handel & Haydn Society)
Aria: Die Liebe zieht mit sanften Schritten from Schwingt freudig euch empor, BWV 36
Episode 6: Bach as Educator
Interview Guest: Michael Roest | Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (San Francisco Conservatory of Music) & Founder (International Pride Orchestra)
Aria: Es reißet euch ein schrecklich’ Ende from Es reißet euch ein schrecklich’ Ende, BWV 90
Episode 5: Baby With the Bathwater
Interview Guest: Steven Zohn | musicologist (Temple University) & General Editor (American Bach Society)
Aria: Ich eile, die Lehren des Lebens zu hören from Bringet dem Herrn Ehre seines Namens, BWV 148
Episode 4: Get Off My Lawn
Interview Guest: Jeremy Denk | pianist & author, Every Good Boy Does Fine
Aria: Herr, so weit die Wolken gehen from Gott, wie dein Name ist, so ist auch dein Ruhm BWV 171
Episode 3: For Everyone Who Wants It
Interview Guest: Ellen Exner | musicologist & Vice President, American Bach Society
Aria: O du von Gott erhöhte Kreatur from Christum wir sollen loben schon BWV 121
Episode 2: Potentially Relatable for Everyone
Interview Guest: Debra Nagy | oboist & Artistic Director, Les Delices
Aria: Ich will an den Himmel denken from Wo gehest du hin? BWV 166
Episode 1: Asking The Question
Host: Nicholas Phan | tenor
Aria: Des Vaters Stimme ließ sich hören from Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam BWV 7

BACH 52 is a production of Nicholas Phan Recording Projects, which is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization.
Charitable contributions in support of Nicholas Phan Recording Projects and the BACH 52 project must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
BACH 52 is made possible in part thanks to grant and partnership support from the following organizations:
The American Bach Society
Bettina Baruch Foundation
Center for Cultural Innovation
Les Delices / SalonEra
Noe Music
San Francisco Conservatory of Music
and donors like you!