Posts tagged Poetry

“There was another full moon earlier this week, on Monday. I do hope you’ll forgive me for missing the actual evening of the full moon. As life has begun resuming a sense of normalcy in fits and starts, I am finding myself being unaccustomed to balancing a slightly more complicated schedule now that I am fully vaccinated, and it is safer to go out in the world again…”

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EMERGING VOICES: Searching for a National Aesthetic

The private salons of the Belle Époque presented important and serious music on a par with what could be heard at the larger public venues in Paris. These salon programs were not restricted to chamber music: they often included pieces on a much grander scale, at times with full orchestras and choirs and even operas…

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EMERGING VOICES: New Nations - Songs of the People

The waves of nationalism that had surged throughout Europe during the years of the Belle Époque, and reached a peak of ferocity in World War I, came to a pivotal point with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. The division of Eastern Europe was one of the major topics of the treaty negotiations, as the three empires…

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